The world is nicer to skinny people. Do you believe that?
When I was skinny, I could fit into a lot of clothes from different brands. I was able to wear all kinds of trendy clothes. Clothing brands aren’t fat-people friendly. Trends aren’t fat-people friendly. All the models in the magazines, on the online stores, or on social media are skinny. If you tried to be trendy as a fat person, you probably get called for “trying too hard”.
When I was skinny, no one judged me if I ate an extra portion of rice. If you were fat, people will judge you for eating that extra portion of rice. No one cares if you are a fat person and hasn’t eaten for hours. Fat people get judged all the time for eating an extra portion of food. A fat person could have gone 48 hours without eating but will still get judged for eating.
When I was skinny, going to workouts and not finishing or doing my best doesn’t mean much. If I was a fat person showing up at workout studios, I’ll probably be judged if I cannot finish my workout. If I was a fat person and I am not working out, people will tell me that I am lazy.
Do you see this happening to a skinny person? Is being skinny a privilege in this world? What do you think? I spoke to my friend, Nadya aka @sailormoney, about her own experience. Sailormoney has always been a chubby kid since young but she has ALWAYS BEEN ACTIVE (playing basketball, swam, soccer, yoga). However, since young, she has always been told no one would liked her because she was bigger than other girls. People are meaner when you’re fat.
Why am I talking about this? Why is this important? I want to show you that we discriminate and stigmatize “fat”. Being aware of our bias against fat people will help us to overcome our own fatphobia. We have to realize that we are always judging and criticizing fat people. I got fat, and it was really hard to lose weight. It didn’t mean that I was lazy. I got fat when I was working out 7 days a week for 2 hours each day. I got even fatter when I got off my restrictive diets. I learnt first hand that my body gained weight and I was actually healthier physically and mentally. Gaining weight was a very painful process for me. I faced a lot of judgements and received a lot of unkind comments. I learnt first hand how society is SO CRUEL to people for gaining weight.
In my post next week, I will share about my personal “fitspo” journey that led to unhealthy habits. What initially was considered to be a road to a “skinnier, healthier, leaner” body became the catalyst for many health problems that I suffered from in 2018 to 2019. If you’re new, welcome to my newsletter. You can read my archive here. If you’ve enjoyed this post or all of my other posts, please help to share this with your friends. Get them to sign up so that they won’t miss my weekly posts.
Thank you for being a part of my journey! See you next week.